Archive | December, 2014

Sleep All Day

18 Dec

This work is hard.I know what the book tells us: eat right, exercise and care for self.  I was never good at doing what the book reads.

Wet Your Eyes

10 Dec

The eyes are complicated things, I still don’t understand the anatomy and physiology. I don’t understand how a camera works either.

I do know that these shutter lids wet my eyes even with the dry eye. Apparently the glassy end of shift red dry eyes try to compensate with tears like lake reflections in the water of a busy shift– but they are still dry.

I do not like eye drops but I love eye wash.

Your Head in My Hands

9 Dec

The frontal lobe assault! It is that frontal lobe you know, that fucking personality driver! I can do anything for 12 hours.

The flame without love is just a wick.

3 Dec

This space for the case of the new nurse does not apply anymore: from telemetry to the intensive care unit; I hardly know what to write about anymore. I read popular science to get away from nursing science. I wonder why it is so hard to prime the CCRT cartridge without getting air bubbles and alarms. There must be a missing step or maybe I didn’t snap the lines hard enough; maybe I didn’t tap the cartridge hard enough.


I might be back with a fire. A fire to extinguish the lonely flame in this world without lovers.